Mandatory data protection information regarding the use of e-learning at LEADING INTERACTIVE

 1. During the use of the learning platform, personal data about you are stored which are required for the provision of training courses on the learning platform. They include

  • Your surname and first name
  • Your date of birth (optional)
  • Your company
  • Your e-mail address
  • Your user ID
  • Your learning progress
  • Your forum posts
  • Your learning outcomes

The learning platform and its data processing serve the purpose of performing training courses provided by LEADING INTERACTIVE GmbH and to prove the performance and completion of a training course.

The legal basis for the collection, storage and use of your data is point (b) of Article 6(1) GDPR.

You already entered most of such data yourself when booking the course, including your first name, surname, e-mail address, billing address and company. You therefore already know these data. Other data are automatically generated during assessments of tests and exercises. They include the number of attempts, the test result, etc. In addition, records on your use are automatically created on the server. They are also used to solve technical issues.

Personal certificates are automatically created after the successful completion of a course, or course modules.

The certificate will include your first name, surname, date of birth (optional), your organization (optional) as well as the name of the course. These can be configured in your user profile. A digital version of the certificates is available as a download.

The data are personal to you. We are therefore obliged to inform you that these data are collected and processed, and about your related rights.

Personal data are treated confidentially by us and not disclosed to unauthorised third parties.

We ensure that, internally, only such persons gain access to such information who absolutely need such access. Please send any questions and concerns you may have to the following persons:

Christoph-Probst-Weg 4
20251 Hamburg

Telefon:  +49 (0)40 / 81976747
e-Mail:    info@leading-interactive.de

The contact for the learning platform is:

Christoph-Probst-Weg 4
20251 Hamburg

     Michael Sauer
     Telefon:  +49 (0)40 / 81976747
     e-Mail:    info@leading-interactive.de

2. The collected data are furthermore evaluated in order to improve the learning contents and to identify potential during the development of new learning contents.

3. The data included in your user profile are retained until such user profile is deleted. The data generated from the participation in the course are retained until the course is deleted. Results from tests, study packs and exercises and data until the completion of the course and the overall assessment are retained until the statutory retention obligations have expired.

4. You have several claims vis-à-vis the controller with regard to the data stored about you. They include
  • Information from the controller (see above) about the data stored about you.

  • Right to rectification: If incorrect data are stored, you can partly adjust them yourself (self-recorded profile data) or request the controller to adjust them. The controller will do so if the rectification is justified and appropriate.

  • Right to erasure: You can demand that data are erased which are actually incorrect or which are no longer needed by the controller. You do not have the right to demand the erasure of data if the controller is obliged to retain such data by law or other requirements. There may still be an obligation to retain data after the relevant contractual requirements have been met.

  • Right to restriction of processing: The controller will ensure that, if processing is restricted, the relevant data will only be disclosed to such persons who absolutely need to access them. The controller may use the means of pseudonymisation and anonymisation for this purpose.

  • Right to object: You may object to the further use of the data. This can only take effect for the future. The right to object does not give rise to any automatic obligation of the controller to erase the data. If the controller is subject to storage obligations for other reasons, it will evaluate the situation and inform you.

  • Data portability: You have the right to receive data you have provided yourself in an electronic format which can be applied for use elsewhere. The right is limited to data that are not subject to any business secret and must therefore not be transferred to other bodies and data that do not concern the rights of third parties, e.g. copyrights.

5. You have the right to withdraw any previously issued consent to the processing of your data. Such withdrawal may cause that you will no longer get access to the learning platform and that you will no longer be able to participate in a course.

6. There is currently no intention to use the data for other than the aforementioned purposes. However, if there is any intention in the future to use the data for other purposes, we will inform you in advance and, where required, ask for your consent.

7. If data are transmitted to third parties, this is done in compliance with the data protection provisions. The provisions of data processing on behalf of a controller (Art. 28 GDPR) are observed in particular.

8. The following external service provider is necessary for the operation of this learning platform:

  • For our server infrastructure we use the web hosting service provider Hetzner Online. Hetzner Online GmbH, Industriestraße 25, 91710 Gunzenhausen. Further information can be found in the privacy policy of Hetzner Online: https://www.hetzner.de/rechtliches/datenschutz

9. Additionally, please pay attention to the general GDPR notice of LEADING INTERACTIVE GmbH (https://www.leading-interactive.de/impressum/).